Deleting your Loomio account

What does delete account mean?

When you delete your account:

  • Your user account including your name, email address and other personally identifying data will be deleted from our systems. You will not be able to sign in to Loomio with this account.
  • Comments, proposal and discussions you have made will remain but your name will be removed from them. We do this because we have an obligation to groups to keep threads and proposals coherent.
  • You will no longer be listed as a member of any groups.
  • You will no longer receive notification emails.

It is important to understand that copies of the data you have generated on Loomio have likely been emailed to everyone in the group - Loomio has no ability to delete those.

Deleting your account will not cancel your subscription; to stop your payments see Subscriptions.

Loomio takes privacy and data protection very seriously. Here is a link to our policy - if you have any questions about our policy, you can get in touch with us.

To delete your account entirely

Sign in to Loomio. Go to the sidebar from the (☰) menu icon at screen top left Click on your account avatar or initials, at the top right of your screen.

Click the down arrow ( ∨ ) alongside your name to open user settings. Select Edit profile.

Scroll to the bottom, and click on Delete account.

A pop up will appear requesting confirmation that you wish to delete your account.